The English Theater Improv Club

Are you interested in Improv Theater? Do you want to be part of a show? The English Theater Improv Club is the place for you!

We are an entirely student-run non-profit organization collaborating with THS for all students at KTH & beyond!

We have weekly improv sessions free for anyone to join at any time: no audience, no background experience required, just come by and see if you like it!

We also create a show in English each year and we’re always looking for new people: if you’re interested in marketing, planning events, building the scenography, creating props and costumes, or script writing, we have something for you! Is there anything that you like and that you think we should totally do? Well, join us and make it happen!

Association contact email:


Social Media:
Instagram: @et_improvclub
Facebook: ET – THS english theatre club